Cum cumpar - Magazinul tehnologiei luminii ultraviolete UV-C TECH

How to buy

Selecting the products you want

Once you’ve found a product you want to buy, click the Add to Cart button. You will then be automatically directed to the Shopping Cart view page, where you have the option to view the list of existing products in the cart, change the quantities you wish to purchase, or discard one, more or all of the products in the cart. To return to the website and add other products to your cart, click the Continue Shopping button.

Shipping information

To complete the order, press the Submit Order button. If you are a new customer, you will first need to create a user account by filling out the sign in form on the page. This process will not take you more than 1-2 minutes, after which you will be able to complete the order. If the payment information is different from the shipping information, select the Fill in a New Payment Address option and enter the desired information.

Complete your order

To place your order, select your preferred payment method and use the Order Comments field, which allows you to submit any additional information. Once you’ve made sure you agree to the Terms and Conditions, click the Submit Order button to move on to the next step.

Packing, delivery and shipping costs are zero.

Shopping Cart


Air disinfection
Disinfection of air from ventilation and air conditioning systems
fan convectors
ventilation ducts
Surface disinfection
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